Saturday, January 27, 2007

Phishing Was it Real ?

Well it was 6pm on thursday and I heardone of my friends say it loud "I have bein phished and wiped out of almost fifty thousand rupees" he realised this when he had logged in to his UTI bank account. I was shocked for a second and then thought that it must have been some knd of a joke he's playing on me (cause just two days ago we were discussing about the amount of e-crime thats happening around) well i was completely incorrect cause he removed the FIR(first information register ) copy from his bank wich the bank had given him saying that his money had bein transferred to some account which has being locked for the time being and that after investigation if it is the customers mistake for not taking the precautions then it will not be the banks responsibility.Well as usual I checked the site tha he had logged in by mistake and it looked like a UTI Bank's website which asked him for his username and password., Ill be posting the link soon.Anyways all i wanted to tell myself afer all this was that if educated people can make mistakes who are working in the IT sector then things can be worse with others.

Monday, January 22, 2007

What is Linux Anyways?

For all those who are new to Linux. Linux is an Operating system with a difference unlike Windoze where user friendliness is the key here the Shell prompt is where the true power is .From x86 to PowerPC to Sparc , from 486 to the Blue Gene it Linux Everywhere.Linux has come along way from a community development OS to Fully Supportive OS from Novell to RedHat.